Holistic Urgent Care + Primary Care

8962 E Desert Cove Ave #110, Scottsdale, AZ 85260, USA

About Holistic Urgent Care + Primary Care

4.8 / 5

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    Hannah Musall
    July 23, 2024

    We had a great experience at Holistic Urgent Care when we visited regarding my husband’s insomnia! Dr. Patel spent time with us to really understand the problem and provided a clear plan for us to resolve it. I cannot recommend this business enough.

    Julie Stockdale
    June 04, 2024

    So grateful to have been connected with Dr Patel at Holistic Urgent Care today. He was genuinely concerned about my sons health and treated his symptoms seriously recommending a chest x-ray STAT which allowed us to discover my son had double pneumonia. Wish we had came here first as the previous urgent care just passed his symptoms for an everyday virus that should subside in 7-10 days.

    Alexis Crawford
    April 26, 2024

    Dr. Miller is extremely knowledgeable on environmental toxins especially how it pertains to military service. Over the last 3 years I had been to 7+ doctors some through tricare some paid at my own expense and was never offered answers or solutions. She listened to my concerns, we tested thoroughly and now I have a plan forward to heal. This clinic has been a godsend. If you are a veteran or a first responder and you do not have answers to your chronic health problems I couldn’t recommend this place more.

    Libby McMenamin
    April 30, 2024

    So happy I stumbled upon this place! It was meant to be! Wonderful care, they get to the root of the problem. I was having major ear issues/dizzy/miserable/fever felt like I was going to die. The Dr. said it could be a dairy allergy which I would have never correlated! Four days after cutting out dairy my symptoms were gone! Pretty sure an ENT would have given me tubes and sent me on my way. My husband is a Dentist and rolled his eyes when I said I was going to a holistic urgent care. He is also dairy free now and will be a patient here. Do yourself a favor and come here!

    Jennifer Matoske
    October 28, 2020

    DANGER - This Clinic DOES NOT REQUIRE STAFF OR CLIENTS TO WEAR MASKS! How unprofessional to expose both clients and staff to Covid-19, a debilitating and potentially deadly disease! I was so excited to find this clinic near where I live. I called to make sure they offer Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI) which the receptionist assured me they DO. Their prices are 20% higher than similar clinics, but it's worth it to be close to home. I'd planned to buy a package of 10 treatments to start. I'd also intended to make this my regular clinic based on gret the reviews. Dr. Berlin was very compassionate. We discussed my symptoms at length. I then asked for the Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI) therapy. To my SHOCK she said they don't offer UBI. But I'd just confirmed that they did when I called! She said they only do Ozone alone. I've tried both UBI with ozone and ozone alone. I've only had good results with the complete process - not just the ozone. She said she was sorry there was confusion when I'd called in. I felt frustrated that i'd just paid $150 out of pocket for a consultation, and no treatment. She asked if I'd be willing to just try the Ozone. Well, it costs more than another clinic does for both UBI and Ozone. It would be like paying $55 for a 6oz steak when another place charges $30 for a 12oz steak. It just didn't make sense. However, I didn't want my $150 new patient fee to be a total waste, so i asked if I could try the ozone at a discount since it would be a gamble for me. She called Dr. Becky Miller (the owner of the clinic) who said no. Dr. Berlin begged Dr. Miller on my behalf. She would NOT budge on the price. So petty! I asked if I could have my new patient fee of $150 back since I would not be a patient. Again Dr. Becky Miller said no. The end result is that I lost $150, but Dr. Miller lost a lot more! Her unkindness cost her a potential client since she'd rather be greedy than compassionate. She can afford marble in her bathroom, but not let go of a measly $50 for a client who came for a treatment that was promised, but wasn't even offered. So cheap and short sighted. I don't do business with with doctors who put Profits before people! Photos show gorgeously decorated lobby - seating for about 18. It seems Dr. Miller has plenty of money for decor, but won't spare $50 to remedy a situation caused by her staff. Ironically, this lovely lobby remained empty the entire time I was there. Hmm. Maybe the words out?

    Holistic Urgent Care + Primary Care

    Our Address

    8962 E Desert Cove Ave #110, Scottsdale, AZ 85260, USA

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